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Did you know that you can use job board integrations to automatically post new job openings to career sites? Create job listings on thousands of career sites to get in front of more potential candidates than ever before with the OneSource Recruitment.
48% of Hiring Managers Don't See Enough Candidates
That's right, nearly half (48%) of U.S. hiring decision makers report they don't see enough qualified candidates1.
As the weather heats up, and so too does the post-pandemic job market, lack of qualified candidates will continue to be a challenge... especially with manually posting jobs to individual job boards.
Attract More Candidates That Fit Your Job Criteria
By seamlessly integrating eQuest in the OneSource Recruitment solution, you can have a single source to build job requisitions and post listings to free & premium job boards (such as Monster, Indeed, and CareerBuilder) to attract and hire top talent.
Why Customers Love Integrated Job Board Posting
For high growth customers across every industry, job board integrations mean things like:
- Saving countless hours on creating & publishing manual job postings
- Leveraging a single contact record from applicant through employee
- And, of course, attracting a ton more qualified candidates
Ready To Get Started with Job Board Integrations?
All you need to do is add the OneSource Marketplace add-on eQuest to enable this feature today.
Note that two options exist:
- eQuest Advantage Network (which includes 8,000 free career sites)
- eQuest Premium Job Board (which includes the above + premium job boards)